The Art of Unpacking

The Art of Unpacking
by Mark Vincent Yason

Abstract: Unpacking is an art—it is a mental challenge and is one of the most exciting mind
games in the reverse engineering field. In some cases, the reverser needs to know the
internals of the operating system in order to identify or solve very difficult anti-reversing tricks
employed by packers/protectors, patience and cleverness are also major factors in a
successful unpack. This challenge involves researchers creating the packers and on the other
side, the researchers that are determined to bypass these protections.

The main purpose of this paper is to present anti-reversing techniques employed by
executable packers/protectors and also discusses techniques and publicly available tools that
can be used to bypass or disable this protections. This information will allow researchers,
especially, malcode analysts to identify these techniques when utilized by packed malicious
code, and then be able decide the next move when these anti-reversing techniques impede
successful analysis. As a secondary purpose, the information presented can also be used by
researchers that are planning to add some level of protection in their software by slowing
down reversers from analyzing their protected code, but of course, nothing will stop a skilled,
informed, and determined reverser.

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VS 2012示例代码浏览器




Visual Studio 示例代码浏览器和Visual Studio无缝集成。充分利用Visual Studio界面让你在开发过程中轻松搜索示例代码。譬如,当你在Visual Studio中编辑代码时,你可以选中一段API或代码段,敲击Alt+F1快捷键或右键选择Search Code Samples,便可针对所选择API搜索相关示例代码。

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Ollydbg/Immdbg Mem Viewer Source Code





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Visual Studio窗口蛋疼的抖动

昨天在改代码的时候就发现在按键盘的D键进行输入的时候VS会像抽风一样。本来以为是Visual Assist X插件的问题,在禁用这个插件之后上面的症状就消失了。一旦启动就会重新开始抽风,但是比较奇怪的是在Windows 7系统下也用了这个插件没出现这样的问题。

后来想到可能是Windows Blinds导致的,在禁用Windows blinds后症状也消失了。于是才发现是这两个鸟软件冲突导致的。其实解决的办法也比较简单。打开Windows Blinds设置窗口。切换到

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三星9100G 音乐播放器 歌曲重复


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